Vaginal pain, erectile dysfunction, and decreased libido are common concerns as we age. Illness, hormonal shifts and stressful experiences can impact our sexual well-being, physically and emotionally. Life changes bring novelty to our sex lives, but that doesn’t mean it’s always a comfortable or smooth path. No, your body isn't broken and you can still have great sex First things first: You have to accept your aging body and that of your partner. If that hasn't been your experience, that's OK. Thus, it's not about how often you have sex or achieve orgasms − it's about the quality of the connection you establish with your partner. In fact, research shows while the frequency of sexual activity may naturally decrease as we age, the quality of sex and overall satisfaction actually improve.

These factors significantly enhance our experiences of intimacy, connection and pleasure. Here's why: Our body image, control, assertiveness and confidence develop as we mature. In fact, many individuals in their 40s, 50s and beyond are enjoying satisfying sex lives that contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.

But contrary to popular belief, the pleasure of sex doesn't decrease as we age.

We have all long heard the term "sexual prime," more often than not referring to someone young. Watch Video: How to talk about sex with your partner